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What happened to the Daily Gakker?

Now it has been a month. What is my excuse? Honestly - I don't really have one.

It has been a crazy month, with my brothers comunion, family from Denmark, approaching deadlines, my own birthday suddenly coming up, and overall just a lot of stuff - and oddly enough, I really haven't had much to talk about.. At least I haven't had before!

Today - after a long time of continous development and work setting up a complete Kubernetes + Gitlab + GlusterFS + Microservice environment, I definitely have loads to talk about, but I have needed this month to catch up on some stuff, and not that the Daily Gakker takes a lot of my time, I just haven't had much to share the past time. That is going to chance for sure.


So stay tuned - I will be in touch shortly.

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Posted: 2019-09-11

Q: Am I a conspiracy theorist?

Speaking with a friend about the latest initiatives in 5G deployment, I expressed my concerns towards the unethical approach, and how no proper biological tests have been made prior to initialising the implementation of 5G towers in residential areas and some cities.

His only reply was that I watched too many conspiracy videos, and it made me wonder if that may be true? I am indeed very sceptical about the evolvement of the world, and how some decisions are made. I am not a huge fan of the smart phone – partly because of the distractions and unproductive workflow it provides, but also the fact that it is no longer a secret, that everything is being tracked. At least 5 different apps aside from Apple themselves, know exactly where I am, at any given moment, how often I go there, how long I stay there, and despite me having nothing to hide, I still find it uncomfortable. And despite my interest in switching my device to a traditional cell phone for calls, I find myself standing with a question: “How can I be a developer of smart phone apps, if I am not using a smart phone myself?” – why I still to this day carry it around.

I am watching and following people and theorists in the conspiracy world, and surprisingly enough, when speaking with others, many can see something is wrong, but they have a hard time describing it. Following these independent medias and getting input from different sources, doesn’t make me an expert on any political aspect, nor does it answer all of my questions, or make me see the entire picture, but more often than not, the points and theories seem valid, and I can see where it goes wrong, and why certain things are happening the way they do.

All I can say for sure, is that something is wrong in this world, and the only way we can stay informed, is to be open for alternative thoughts and ideas, trying to make sense of everything that is happening. I am not saying that Area 51 exists, and Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard, but neither do I say the opposite. But something I can say for sure, is that I am no longer going to be the one following the commodity and broadcast media, as I know it is indeed manipulated.

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Posted: 2019-08-18

Don’t avoid making mistakes

Mistakes are a major part of learning, and we don’t make nearly enough mistakes, why many of us never really learn more. Don’t follow the straight line, don’t take the safe path, don’t simplify in order to stay within budget or restrictions.

The moment you hold back in order to avoid mistakes, you limit innovation, originality, concept, evolvement, and even worse, you prevent yourself from learning and gaining new experience.

The interesting part of this is, if you follow the same path every time, you will also continue to make the same mistakes every time. What may seem like a “side-effect” of “the right way of doing things” could probably be avoided completely, by taking the right initiative and doing it different.

Nothing new will happen, if you do the same things as last time – though some of us do indeed thrive in the process of knowing how things are going. And this is where we get the “Specialists”. Specialists in making one particular thing the same way every time, following the same process every time. Have you ever hired a consultant demanding certain versions of software, having certain requirements to products or resources? And should they fail in the process, they will blame the conditions they are working in?

This is one of the reasons I see myself more like a Professional Noob. I attempt to learn something new, challenge myself every single day, making mistakes regularly in order to evolve, but what you also will realise, is that your general knowledge and understanding of how certain things work, will also improve, and in the end, despite whatever framework, language, workstation, environment etc. you are working with, you will be able to find a solution more easily, cause your experience span across much more than a narrow expert level.

So don’t avoid making mistakes.. The more you do, the more you will learn, the better you will become.

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Posted: 2019-08-17

Accountability vs. responsibility

Accountability is done to you. It’s done by the industrial system, by those that want to create blame.

Responsibility is done by you. It’s voluntary. You can take as much of it as you want.

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Posted: 2019-08-16

‘Scrappy’ is not the same as ‘crappy’

The only choice is to launch before you’re ready.

Before it’s perfect.

Before it’s 100% proven to be no risk to you.

At that moment, your resistance says, “don’t ship it, it’s crappy stuff. We don’t ship crap.”

And it’s true that you shouldn’t ship work that’s hurried, sloppy or ungenerous.

But what’s actually on offer is something scrappy.

Scrappy means that while it’s unpolished, it’s better than good enough.

Scrappy doesn’t care about cosmetics as much as it cares about impact.

Scrappy is flexible and resilient and ready to learn.

Ship scrappy.

- Seth Godin

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Posted: 2019-08-07

The second bowl

I love this one by Seth Godin.. He is so right....


I broke two bowls today.

I was emptying the dishwasher, holding both small clean bowls in one hand. One of them slipped, and I watched, aghast, as it started to fall in slow motion toward the hard kitchen floor.

In a valiant but vain attempt to miraculously catch the bowl, I dropped the second one as well.

Now both were gone.

Often, the best thing to do with a lost cause is to let it go. Because pursuing it gets in the way of the causes you haven’t lost yet.

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Posted: 2019-08-06

Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time

John Cage pointed out they’re different processes. Doing one will interfere with the other.

What will you create today? You can analyze it tomorrow.

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Posted: 2019-08-05

Embracing your incompetence

You can’t be great at everything. None of us are.

The question is: What will you do about it? What will you do about the areas where you don’t have the commitment, time or skill to be exceptional?

One approach is to never talk about it. It’s off limits. Do the work poorly, but pretend you don’t.

Another approach is to talk about it with zeal. Work to find resources you can use to avoid the things you do poorly. Find a cohort that will challenge you to get better. Find new and better ways to improve…

It’s hard to imagine that avoidance of the issue is going to make things better.

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Posted: 2019-08-04

“Think how they think, to do what we do”

Creative Strategy and the Business of Design, by Douglas Davis, is a great read. I have read it a few times now, and still comes back to it from time to time, to look up concepts and references.

This book has taught me a lot, but I think the biggest thing it taught me, was the fact that creative strategy is exactly what I want to do as a consultant. But… With a twist.

My heart beats for design, technology and unique creative concepts, and working with businesses globally really opens up the world for different possibilities.

I am always applying creative strategy to basically any project I am involved in, and it is all thanks to this book.

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Posted: 2019-08-03

Don’t do it, if you can’t make the same amount without your full commitment

… is a good business strategy when applying it to your own ventures. Consider yourself making 1.000€ a month today, then you should never accept to join a venture or start a business, that can’t make at least the same without your full commitment. And should it require your full commitment, make sure it can bring in at least 10 times your current income.

It is a concept of business handling, that follows yesterday’s gak about being able to say ‘no’. If you work 10 hours today to make 1.000€ don’t start another business that can make you another 1.000€ a month, if it requires your full time or parts of it. You will not be able to take on both projects with full engagement and in the end, you will most likely loose both your projects – due to the fact, that you can’t commit 100% to two projects.

If you can join a project that can make you 1.000 € without you having to engage in it on a daily basis, it is worth getting involved in, but with a current flow of 1.000€ a month for your full commitment, you should tell yourself, that you won’t join another project, or work, with your full commitment if it can’t guarantee at least 10 times what you are making today.

Then next time you can join a business, you say the same, and this way, you will only evolve in the size of projects, making sure only to engage in something that can help you grow financially and skill-wise.

This is based on a principle by Grant Cardone.  

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Posted: 2019-08-02